Support of the CRM Transport in Nood

1. Company ACCES to CRM System via IP Numbers:

Go to → Client/Access → field 09 [IP Mode] -> make it “ACTIVE” or “NOT ACTINE”

If ACTIVE is selected then add IP number or a list (one per row) or IP Numbers).

Only added IP numbers will have acces to the system.


2. Two way verification

Go to → Client/Access → field 02 [2step] -> make it:
“Active, by phone/SMS”
“Active, by email”

Add the Client Phone number.
Add the Client email.

If there is no phone number or email, the system will let the client in but remind him to add the phone number/email.

If the phone number added and selected as the way to receive the PIN, the PIN will be send by SMS.

If the email is added and selected as the way to receive the PIN, the PIN will be send by email.

3. Button “CleanUp declarations in IMI”

Go to → Client/IMI Declarations → scroll to bottom. On the right side you will see button “CleanUp declarations in IMI”. When pressed the system/robot will login in the IMI and “REDRAW” all the declarations which are not active in our system.
Active declarations are:

  1. Active drivers declarations
  2. Deleted drivers declarations.