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Stricter Enforcement in Belgium

Mobile Phone Use Behind the Wheel Leads to License Suspension

Dear transport operators and truck drivers,
Recently, Belgium has seen a sharp increase in the number of driving license suspensions due to mobile phone use behind the wheel. Over 30 drivers were caught holding or using their phones while driving, all of whom received a driving ban of over two weeks. This penalty has significant consequences for both drivers and the transport companies they represent.
Risks and Penalties
The use of mobile phones while driving is strictly regulated in Belgium for road safety reasons. Article 8.4 of the Belgian Road Code prohibits using a phone that is not mounted in a holder. For professional drivers, penalties are particularly strict due to their elevated responsibility on the road. A violation can immediately lead to a 15-day license suspension, a measure now consistently enforced by police and local prosecutors in several Belgian provinces, including West Flanders and Antwerp.
This immediate penalty has substantial implications. Drivers caught holding their phones while on duty are unable to continue driving, which means that the transport company must promptly find a replacement driver or an alternative solution to complete the journey. After the 15-day suspension period, the driver may retrieve their license at the local police station.
In addition to the temporary license suspension, offenders may face an additional fine of up to 500 euros. It is also possible that, after the suspension period, the driver will receive a summons for further penalties.
Impact on Transport Companies
A two-week driving suspension is significant for the driver, but it also affects the planning and logistics of transport companies. License suspension not only interrupts work and income for the driver but also creates challenges for the company’s daily operations. In Belgium, the driving ban officially applies only within national borders. However, it is practically impossible for the driver to operate in other countries without showing a valid license.
The risk for companies is considerable if they decide to deploy a driver with a temporarily suspended license in other countries. The lack of a valid license makes the driver uninsured, and in the event of an incident, the financial and legal repercussions can be severe. This situation poses a clear barrier for companies attempting to deploy their drivers during this period, even outside Belgium.
Conclusion and Advice to Transport Companies
Belgium’s stricter enforcement underscores the importance the country places on road safety and sends a strong message that mobile phone use while driving is not tolerated. Violators face far-reaching consequences, affecting both drivers and their employers. We recommend that transport companies discuss this matter with their drivers, ensuring they understand the potential repercussions of mobile phone use while driving.
It is essential for companies to remind their drivers of these regulations and encourage the use of hands-free systems.

Safety First!

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