Transport in Nood

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Czech Republic
Legislative changes
The Netherlands
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vervoer van containers of wissellaadbakken

Nieuwe Franse wet – gewichten en afmetingen voor vrachtwagens

Nieuwe Franse wet – gewichten en afmetingen voor vrachtwagens Op 31 juli 2021 werd een nieuw Frans decreet gepubliceerd tot wijziging van de bepalingen van het reglementaire deel van het verkeersreglement met betrekking tot de gewichten en afmetingen van voertuigen voor goederenvervoer over de weg.   A: Specificeert de voorwaarden voor een maximaal toegestaan gewicht van 42 ton en 44 ton…...

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Tightening up environmental zones

Tightening up environmental zones

TIGHTENING ENVIRONMENTAL ZONES From 1 January 2022, only lorries with at least emission class 6 will be allowed in all environmental zones in the Netherlands. This is in line with the agreements made in 2019 about a single national system for environmental zones. All information about environmental zones, the exemptions and exemptions can be found on this website. THE HAGUE:…...

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Is the remedy worse than the defect? Anyone who often drives to Italy has passed here several times.The heavy traffic center is a famous and infamous checkpoint just before you cross the Alps. A drop of sweated oil hanging from the crankcase can already cause a huge delay. Yesterday something happened  that we do not want to leave unmentioned. A…...

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corsica ferries


EN Driving bans in Europe Tomorrow is 1 May and ‘Labor Day’. Of course, work has to be done, and this is also possible in many countries this year. Normally there are various driving bans on May 1, but this year will be different. Since the corona crisis, many driving bans have been suspended until the end of May due…...

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contact points

Brenner Pass

EN Important news border crossings Italy Yesterday a customer of Transport in Nood was fined for € 377 in Italy for not reporting the border crossing at the Brenner Pass (AT> IT) online to the Italian health ministry. Until last week, taking and filling in the Italian Corona form was sufficient. Since this week, an additional check has also been…...

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Invitation to Transport Law Event

Invitation to Transport Law EventBest relationship, On Saturday, January 25, 2020, Vallenduuk Advocaten organizes, together with Transport in Nood and A1 Automotive, the first edition of the Transport Law Event. We cordially invite you to be present at this event. During the Transport Law Event you will be fully updated by various speakers about current events in road transport. Topics…...

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