Restrictions to access workplaces from 1 November
As of 1 November, everybody who has physical contact with other people in their workplace, being employees, owners or operators, are only allowed to access workplaces if:
- they have been tested (official certificate in German or English of an antigen-test not older than 24 hours, a PCR-test not older than 72 hours or an official proof an antibody not older than 90 days).
- they have recovered from SARS-CoV-2 virus (official recovery certificate in German or English not older than 180 days).
- they are vaccinated (official certificate in German or English of a second or third vaccination not older than 360 days for vaccines where two shots are necessary, or a second vaccination not older than 270 days or third vaccination not older than 360 days for vaccines where one shot is necessary. A previous infection and one or more vaccinations within 360 days are considered as valid vaccination as well).
Note that transport professionals (freight and passenger) are NOT excluded from this new requirement.
However, these are not considered as “physical contacts”:
- a maximum of two physical contacts per day, taking place outdoors, and if each contact do not last more than 15 minutes (e.g. professional drivers).
Winter equipments France
From 1st of November 2021, there will be an obligation, in French “mountainous” areas, to be equipped for winter.
This obligation will be applicable from 1st of November to 31st of March, each year.
The departments have to establish a list of the cities/roads where vehicles will have to have such equipment.
For the moment, it has been decided for the areas in blue:

These (blue) areas will be limited by the following traffic signs:

For trucks, it will mean:
- For trucks without trailers (or vans or buses), to have either winter tires (at least 4, 2 for each axe) or snow chains (at least 2).
- For trucks with trailers, to have either winter tires or snow chains but there is an additional obligation: to have snow chains for at least 2 driving wheels even if all tires are “winter tyres”
If you don’t respect this obligation, the fine will be 135€ per missing equipment.
However it has been announced that there will be no sanction for this first period (1-11-21 to 31-03-22).