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Driving bans in Europe

Tomorrow is 1 May and ‘Labor Day’. Of course, work has to be done, and this is also possible in many countries this year. Normally there are various driving bans on May 1, but this year will be different.

Since the corona crisis, many driving bans have been suspended until the end of May due to economic interests and the continuation of deliveries to supermarkets for example.

It is not easy to say what exactly is allowed in a particular country. These situations can also differ and change per day. We would therefore advise you to take a look at what applies to your situation and to continue to check it in the coming days or weeks.

For Dutch companies we would advise to use this TLN link. You can then see what the schemes are per country.

For English companies we would like to advise this link from the IRU. There, too, the regulations can be filtered per country.
Finally, this link from the Antram can be consulted for Portuguese companies.

Corsica Ferries

Previously it was possible to report the crossing from France to Corsica via a French e-mail address. This notification had to be made at least 48 hours before the boat left. This way of reporting is now no longer applicable.

From now on, the crossing must also be done online at least 48 hours in advance. When the registration is successful, you will receive a confirmation on the given e-mail address. A certificate will be included in the e-mail. When you give this confirmation to the driver he will be admitted on the boat.

Through this website https://www.demarches-simplifiees.fr/ you can create an account and do the registration. At the moment it is a bit of a struggle, because until now the website is only available in French.

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